Using Solar Panels to Prevent Power Outages in Your Philadelphia Home - JC Solar, LLC Skip Navigation

Using Solar Panels to Prevent Power Outages in Your Philadelphia Home

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Fortunately, solar panels and backup batteries can help take the load off for you and your family.

Despite the weather conditions in Philadelphia, PA, most homeowners seem to experience power outages. From thunderstorms to snow-related problems, your power may cut out occasionally for numerous reasons. Sometimes, it can be significant to run out of power – the food in your fridge begins to go bad, or you are left in the dark wondering when your power will return. Fortunately, solar panels and backup batteries can help take the load off for you and your family.

Use Less of Transformers

Local power transformers are large, can-shaped objects at the top of your utility poles. These were usually established many years ago. So, some of them need to be updated and can quickly become overwhelmed by the increased electricity demand most districts use these days. If one home has a solar power system and a battery storage setup, it can significantly minimize the burden on the transformer, making shutdowns less likely.

At JC Solar, LLC, we know first-hand the many advantages of upgrading your home for solar energy. Not only is a solar-powered home guaranteed to save on your energy bill – and align you with tax incentives – but you may rest easy knowing that you have done your part in making the environment safer for future generations. If you need a solar panel installation in the Philadelphia area, call JC Solar at 443-204-6551 today!

How Come Grids Are Not Upgraded?

Unfortunately, upgrading local power grids may be expensive, considering how many parts must be modernized to minimize the stresses. In addition, solar systems tend to have a grid-tied solar system. This means whatever excess energy you receive from the solar panels returns to the grid, powering your neighbors and allowing you to receive credit for it all. However, you no longer generate any power once the sun goes down. Therefore, you are just as reliant on the grid as everyone else. This signifies that once the power goes out, you are just as impacted as your neighbors are.

How May Batteries Assist?

Fortunately, there is a solution for homeowners with solar panels: using a battery backup. If the power goes out in your Philadelphia neighborhood, you will be okay with powering everything you need for as long as your batteries can support it. It may not be enough to keep your home theater cranking, but your fridge, lights, and ability to keep your phone charged will all be thankful they are still receiving power.

Contact JC Solar Today!

If you have any solar needs in Maryland, contact JC Solar, LLC. at 443-204-6551 or by email at Our solar powered products will help make your life easy, environmentally safe, and cost efficient! We’re conveniently located in Marriottsville, Maryland and proudly serve all of Maryland as well as Virginia, Pennsylvania, Washington DC and Arizona. Contact us today!

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