You might be interested in solar power but is your home suitable for the tech?
Solar power may seem like the biggest trend these days: everyone is switching over to renewable energy, going green, and trying to save a buck or two at the same time. While the benefits are enticing, it does leave many homeowners wondering if their roof is even suitable for solar panels—after all, while savings are great, it’s just not applicable for everyone. Not to mention the slew of questions that comes with purchasing solar panels, such as whether you’ll be getting enough power to keep your home up and running or what panels to invest in. Let’s take a look at some questions first time solar power investors often have.
Looking at Your Energy Bill
Before anything else, you need to know if you would benefit from solar. In some areas, electricity can actually be pretty inexpensive—though generally speaking, most homeowners deal with pricey monthly electric bills. Solar power is typically recommended for anyone who has an electricity bill of at least $75. This is the threshold where you really start to see your solar savings and get the most for your money. Of course, if saving money isn’t your reason to go solar and you just want to invest in renewable energy, then this isn’t an issue for you and solar is a viable option regardless.
What Kind of Roof Do You Own?
Solar power systems can be installed on most kinds of roofs though some do work better than others. Durable materials such as composite or asphalt shingle, standing seam metal, and concrete tile are some of the easiest to install on. If your roof is made of other materials like slate tile or wood shake, or even if your roof is made of clay, you can still use solar power—but you’ll want to work with an experienced solar installer who really knows what they are doing.
How Much Sunlight Do You Get?
There are tools out there for checking solar panel suitability like Google’s Project Sunroof. This is a good way to get a rough idea of what you’re really dealing with, but at the end of the day, you want to hire a solar expert to come take a look at your home and roof. By taking a look at the site, they will be able to get a much better understanding of what your power needs will be and how solar power may be able to help you.
Contact JC Solar & Roof Today!
If you have any solar needs, contact JC Solar, LLC. at 443-204-6551 or by email at eric@jcsolarroofing.com. Our solar powered products will help make your life easy, environmentally safe, and cost efficient! We’re conveniently located in Marriottsville, Maryland and proudly serve all of Maryland as well as Virginia, Pennsylvania, Washington DC and Arizona. Contact us today!
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